Pale Mancini

It's me- Pale-

Restauranteur, composer, dad- who t'fuck wants t'know?

don' call me Jimmy-

'bout me-

Pale Mancini-

Restauranteur an' chef- fuckin' got my own place- ya prolly know it- The Lighthouse Bistro an' Bar- Brooklyn- Noo York-

Musician an' composer- write my own music- tone poems- concertos an' shit- the kind ya fuckin' need two whole orchestras t'play-

Gotta black cat- Sly- an' 2 kids- Sophia an' Noah- they live with their mom- not the furball- he fuckin' lives with me-

Half fruit- y'know? Bisexual- think that's what they call it-

Ya gotta problem with how I speak? 'S cause I was born in fuckin' Jersey- 12 November '83- they put 'James' on the fuckin' certificate- don' never fuckin' call me Jimmy- arright?

Name's Pale-

'Burn This' pre & post canon RP / MV / MS / MDNI / Mun: #verwrites @ the speed of life

A note from Ver: Pale is a real boy who doesn't know that he's an RP. He's always open to banter and will only ship with heavy chem. Crack or lit, anything works. Come find me if you want to talk anything over or plot, out of character. Pale always responds in character.

My People

my people-

My boys an' the fuckin' love o' my life-

My dumb fucks-
Finny an' Bry- an' the fellas they married- Allan an' Paul- my friends- my brothers- fuckin' idiots- gotta love 'em-

(Pale ♡ Fran)

I fuckin' married Anjo- Francisco Garupe Mancini- sounds real nice don' it?

(Pale ♡ VRey ♡ Fran)

Me an' Anjo an' V- our girlfriend- she's a fuckin' beaut- with a bite-

(Pale ♡ VRey)

Me an' V- my Lil Bat-

Pale is multi-ship and each ship will exist in an independent verse, unless specified otherwise.